Walking Through The Flames

“In order to rise
From its own ashes
A phoenix

– Octavia Butler, Parable of the Talents

Left Foot

Right Foot

One step

After another

Ever forward

Even though it often felt she was still

Or going backwards

Yet she never repeated

Life was for learning

Sometimes the pain felt unbearable

Yet through the flames

She could see just a glimpse

Of the life she wanted




In order to rise from its own ashes a phoenix first must burn Quote. - Octavia Butler
In order to rise from its own ashes, a phoenix first must burn Quote. – Octavia Butler

I was going to write a long-winded post here about how whilst going through one of the most difficult times in my life one of my closest and oldest friendships came to an end. Yet, just 12 months on from that I had made a new group of friends to who I am very grateful. However, the post ended up reading like a sob story with me prattling on endlessly, so I have removed it. I am sure everyone has their moment in the flames, and I truly hope (although you might not see it at that moment in time), bigger and better things await you in the future, that one day you will look back on and be thankful for.

Originally written in response to

  • Writer’s Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge (#WQWWC) – Order
  • FOWC with Fandango – Prattle.

Take Care.


I am not a poetry writer but I do love playing around with the magnetic poetry blocks found here (free):


So I decided to make a mini story for a bit of fun. Todays mini story is based on the theme of Life.

This past week has been a difficult one but I find myself pushing myself to focus on the positives and not dwell on the negatives (not always an easy task). It is so easy to get lost in the noise and spiral into the darkness of dwelling on all the unhappy things but in reality I have so much to be thankful for.

I am delighted about the vaccine news and the remarkable positive steps the country is taking to return us all to the sense of normality, to the times we can go wild, hug, kiss, dance and more. It feels like we are getting close now and with nervous trepidation I wait patiently for that day when I can visit family and friends and finally feel that embrace once more.

Have a go, please link back any creations you make, I’d love to see them.


Photo by Julissa Helmuth on Pexels.com

Take Care Everyone and Stay Safe.

Much Love,

KL ❤

What is Ahead? – #writephoto

They had observed the rock formation from miles away, with each step closer to it, it seemed to grow more intriguing.

ahead - rock image by Sue Vincent

“It looks like a house”, Josie said to her exasperated husband John who was trailing behind her with a heavily laden backpack. He made a harrumph sound in response but she ignored it and clicked happily on her camera before setting off again.

As they grew closer and closer her excitement to explore the rocks grew.

“Do you think it was a caveman’s home?” Josie wondered once they had reached the opening in the rocks.

“Maybe,” John said, giving in to her excitement. “It could be our lodgings for the weekend, save us on that hotel you booked”. He said smirking at his own joke.

“I WOULD live here”, Josie smiled at him, “look at that view.”

As they made their way inside it grew darker and darker, eventually, John rummaged in the backpack and pulled out their torch. As he clicked it on they both inhaled sharply.

“Wow! This is so beautiful.” Josie said. John nodded in agreement. The swirling text that filled the walls, floor and roof of the cave was unlike anything they had ever seen before.

“What do you think it says?” John asked.

“No idea. Oh, look there are numbers there.” She pointed to the area she had spotted.

They both moved closer and focussed the torchlight.

“Is that a date?” Jane’s brow wrinkled with concentration. They both looked at each other in the dull torchlight.

If it was a date, that meant it was one week from today…

My response to Sue’s wonderful photo prompt combined with the Captivating daily post. If you want to give Sue’s prompt a go too, head over to Sue’s Page Thursday Photo Prompt – ahead – and join in the prompt. KL ❤

Think Big and Plan Big

Moving in a forward motion….

I have big plans, really big plans. I don’t want to rule the world or anything (unless someone is offering me that job, then I might reconsider). But I have a life plan, it doesn’t always work, and things have a habit of going awry or worse, creeping up on you! But I know what I want and I work hard to make that happen.

My big thing this year is my novel, I am desperate to complete it and at 48,000 words I can see the end in sight. I know there is drafting and re-drafting and re-redrafting to do after before it goes anywhere, but the main thing is I want to get to type those two little words “The End”. Then sit back and know I did it, I made it happen.

I generally set one of these goals every year, something to strive for. Last year it was the wedding. I wanted to plan, organise and execute (and believe me a few family members were close to being executed) the day without too many hiccups. Not everything went to plan (it did rain a little, not great for an outside ceremony), but generally everything I arranged I managed to pull off.  Goal ticked off the list.

The year before that it was a mortgage and a house buy. This probably isn’t as big a deal as it felt at the time, my husband and I are on average wages but paying rent while saving a mortgage deposit is tough. I scrimped and saved every way I could, even reducing our full weekly shop down to less than £15 a week. I wouldn’t like to do it again, but I now know if times were tough I can do it and within a year we had done it, and saved a deposit and bought our first house. Goal ticked off the list.martin luther king - success

So after all that you’d think the novel thing would be easy right? Well, ask me on the 31st December and I’ll tell you if I did it (that’s if I haven’t screamed it from the rooftop before then).


Does anyone else do this extreme planning?