
As some of you may have noticed

I’ve not really been around

I’ve mostly been in bed

(which is worse than it sounds)!

Sadly, it’s been through illness

Of a rather peculiar sort

A sickness called Hypermesis Gravidarum

(Or HG for short)

It’s incredibly debilitating

And not much they can do

But the good thing about it is

It comes with some rather fantastic news

The Caley family is extending

Another to add to our crew

So thank you to all my followers

I’ll be back in touch with you soon.


Thank you so much to all my followers, especially the #writephoto participants. I normally like to do a weekly round-up and regular check-in with the wonderful #wordpress community participants but unfortunately, I have been unable to do much of anything. I am starting to feel a bit stronger now (and I’m on some medication which is helping). So hopefully you’ll see more of me soon.

Take Care

KL ❤




For visually challenged writers,the image shows a red and blue chessboard with gigantic chess peices on it.

Love is not a game of chess

The queen doesn’t sacrifice herself for the king

It’s taking turns and seeing what it brings

Every move has a purpose more or less

Love is two-way and hopefully no stress

When the sky is blue and the birds sing

Love is not a game of chess

The queen doesn’t sacrifice herself for the king

When it doesn’t work, there shouldn’t be regrets

Should have some great moves that give it zing

Love is every season, from winter to spring

And when it works, we say we’re bless

Love is not a game of chess*

(c) ladyleemanila 2023



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Today is a day of celebrations and thanks for so many. For me, I got to watch my husband being doted on by my little one. He’s not only his daddy but his best friend. It makes my heart burst watching them together.

I am so thankful to my dad. He has taught me many things, not always in his words but in his actions. He is one of the hardest working people I know. He is kind, calm and clever. He adores his wife and I am thankful to her for making his heart and his life full. She helped make us a family. My dad is everything I could have ever hoped for in a father and now I am watching him be that perfect grandfather to my children too.

But it was the thought of grandfather’s that got me thinking, my grandfather passed away many years ago…

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Happy Mother’s Day

There’s two sides to every story and that’s certainly the case today. I could post and say I’m such a lucky Mama who has had loads of cuddles, some pretty flowers, cards and gifts from my OH and my special little guy (all of which is very true).💗💗💗

Or I could say we’ve got a poorly snuggly little guy, had a night with lack of sleep, and a daddy who believes fresh air is the best treatment for all illnesses so dragged us to the allotment 🙈.

Being a Mama is a 24/7 job, 365 days of the year, and I wouldn’t change it for the world (although I might skulk off for a long hot bubble bath and bit of Bridgerton later tonight whilst the boys watch Blaze 😁).

So, big happy mothers day to all the mama’s out there, even if your day didn’t entirely go to plan. ❤❤❤

Spring is the time of plans and projects

― Leo Tolstoy. “Spring is the time of plans and projects.”

I love this quote and enjoy having a bit of a spring clean. In fact, I read somewhere that spring cleaning is actually good for your mental health and it releases endorphins. My WOTY this year was plan and it’s fully something I want to embrace, this prompt felt like a good opportunity to review these plans.

So my plans were:

Food plansMostly on track (I have been following a monthly plan)
Exercise planSome variations but still an increase, so I don’t want to beat myself up about it too much.
Budget planMostly on track, with everything going up in value we probably need to readjust a little.
Blog Post PlanMostly on track with the introduction of Tile Tales on Monday, followed by Book Reviews on Tuesday, WQW participation and #Writephoto Thursdays.
Research for the new novelTime limitations have caused some issues with this but it’s still in the pipeline.
My Goodreads book reviewsMostly on track.
More Writing (ideally finish first draft of one novel and start first draft of the second).Time limitations have caused some issues with this but I hope to be back on track asap.

I also planned to revive my travel ambitions this year (if time and covid allowed), and luckily that has proven to be the case (although I am sticking with the UK for the moment). We took a brilliant trip to London earlier in March. I was hoping to visit the tower but we decided with our little guy it would be too much so we’ve saved that for another time.

We have a wonderful trip to Skye booked for later in the year. Two very different holidays.

I haven’t totally achieved all my targets but I think I have made good progress and I’m happy with that.

Have you set yourself any plans for this year? If so, I’d love to hear them.


Originally written in response to

The Things I’ve Seen

A brilliant poetic entry by Greg, with a wonderful look into the winds of war.
Thank you so much for joining the #writephoto prompt. KL ❤

Greg's Blog

Down the stairs, truth be told,
In grains of sand, each truth I hold,
The winds of change blowing through,
Where I stand a desert grew.

Long ago, a secret past,
In this cellar, the die was cast,
For trade in skin, bought and sold,
When all used up, left to the cold.

During the times of Jesus Christ,
The pagan north made sacrifice,
Long before the Romans tread,
Countless times, my floor, blood red.

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