Think Big and Plan Big

Moving in a forward motion….

I have big plans, really big plans. I don’t want to rule the world or anything (unless someone is offering me that job, then I might reconsider). But I have a life plan, it doesn’t always work, and things have a habit of going awry or worse, creeping up on you! But I know what I want and I work hard to make that happen.

My big thing this year is my novel, I am desperate to complete it and at 48,000 words I can see the end in sight. I know there is drafting and re-drafting and re-redrafting to do after before it goes anywhere, but the main thing is I want to get to type those two little words “The End”. Then sit back and know I did it, I made it happen.

I generally set one of these goals every year, something to strive for. Last year it was the wedding. I wanted to plan, organise and execute (and believe me a few family members were close to being executed) the day without too many hiccups. Not everything went to plan (it did rain a little, not great for an outside ceremony), but generally everything I arranged I managed to pull off.  Goal ticked off the list.

The year before that it was a mortgage and a house buy. This probably isn’t as big a deal as it felt at the time, my husband and I are on average wages but paying rent while saving a mortgage deposit is tough. I scrimped and saved every way I could, even reducing our full weekly shop down to less than £15 a week. I wouldn’t like to do it again, but I now know if times were tough I can do it and within a year we had done it, and saved a deposit and bought our first house. Goal ticked off the list.martin luther king - success

So after all that you’d think the novel thing would be easy right? Well, ask me on the 31st December and I’ll tell you if I did it (that’s if I haven’t screamed it from the rooftop before then).


Does anyone else do this extreme planning?