
The car is packed
I’m ready to go
To explore new places
I don’t yet know

The Dalai Lama
Gives the best advice
To be honest,
I don’t need telling twice

The time has come
I can’t ignore
I need to go someplace
I’ve never been before

When I return
Back to my home
I’ll have so many new stories
To call my own

Originally written in response to Writer’s Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge (#WQWWC) now hosted by Marsha Ingrao at Always Right.

“Once a year go some place you’ve never been before”

― dalai lama

I love to explore and go on adventures. I follow the Dalai Lama’s advice and try at least once a year to go somewhere I’ve never been (with the exception of last year and lockdown). I adore history so any form of historical or cultural aspect makes something so much more intriguing to me. In the 13 years my husband and I have been together we have never had a relaxing sunbathing type holiday, they are always jam-packed with activities. I normally create a list before we go of places we would potentially like to visit, then when on location I tend to chat to the locals to find out where they would recommend, this has almost always resulted in some amazing discoveries.

On a holiday in Scotland, after some advice from the family-run guest house, we ended up finding a beach only the locals use, it was actually past a golf course and looked like it was private but it wasn’t, only the golf course access was. The views were stunning, and it had everything, rockpools, a shingly pebble-y bit, a sandy bay, sand dunes and despite the fantastic weather, we had it completely to ourselves. Our two nieces who were on vacation with us told us it was the best holiday they had ever had.

On another occasion in Malta, after chatting for a while to a bus driver, he told us of a small town that was holding a religious festival. We had paid for bus passes for the week so to get there was free, after a few minutes of discussion we thought why not and honestly, it was brilliant. There was a huge parade with people singing and dancing, dressed up, waving banners. The crowds and the atmosphere was great (and it had yummy food for sale too – always a plus for me).

So, if you want to get a little more out of a trip, speak to a local. I always try to learn the words hello, please, thank you, goodbye and toilet in the local language before I go but other than that there is normally someone who speaks your language who is willing to have a chat and make recommendations.

Have you ever had a brilliant local recommendation whilst travelling?

Much Love

17 thoughts on “Exploration

  1. The best thing which ever happened to us was when we went around Australia. We broke down in the middle of nowhere and the locals were so helpful. One lovely gentleman even offered to do the 100km round trip with our dogs, so they didn’t stress being towed. 🙂

  2. I had a great experience while touring Istanbul with my friend. They didn’t speak English but most understood it. Very nice and friendly people.

  3. I think I’ve seen that quote and admired it. The trouble for me is that most of the time at present, I’m still going to places I\ve never been, so it’s getting quite nice to go to places I’ve been before! (Like the garden I’m due to be walking around in half an hour).
    Love your take on it.

    1. Thank you Jemima, that is true, certainly comfort in the familiar. A garden can be a wonderful place to revisit as you can watch how it changes throughout the seasons, even week by week you spot beautiful small differences. Hope you had a wonderful time. KL ❤

  4. Such great advice. It is fun to be at just the right place and time and see something you would never see again. We got to do that once in Hawaii where we happened on a ceremony of some type in Kauai. Right place – right time. 🙂

    1. P.S. I forgot to say, thanks so much for joining in Writer’s Quotes Wednesday. This was a fabulous post and I love Dali’s advice. Where to this year?

      1. We’ve already been to a little town called Silloth just on the borders between Scotland and England. We managed to do a little bit of sightseeing there and neighbouring places but unfortunately, I took unwell and we had to cut the trip short. Hopefully if time and budget allow we may yet squeeze a small weekend away somewhere. KL ❤

      2. I’m so sorry you got sick. That ruins everything for you, doesn’t it. I got sick in Boston, and only had one night booked in my hotel. I could barely move, let alone get to a new motel. I was all alone, and that was my last trip by myself! So I understand how awful it feels to be sick in a strange place. I hope you are back on the mend and ready to travel, KL. 🙂

      1. It was tons of fun. I told you didn’t I, KL, that I fell out of my car on that little trip and had to roll out of the way so the car wouldn’t run over me.

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