#Writephoto Round-Up – DINOSAUR

Morning All,

This week’s response has been phenomenal, thank you all for participating and well done on such fabulous entries. I really recommend a browse through them with a nice cuppa.

I should start this post with an apology, it is named Dinosaur when in reality, I haven’t posted a dinosaur. Haha. In my defence, the photo originates from Teessaurus Park, often locally referred to as Dino Park. At the park, you will find brachiosaurus, brontosaurus, stegosaurus and tyrannosaurus sculptures, all in the company of the mammoth you find below. So whilst not being a dino himself, he definitely has a lot of dinos for company.

Dinosaur – Image by KL Caley

My entry:

Creeping out of the trees
what do you see,
a Dinosaur I hear you say
Well, how can that be?

Aha it is not,
a trick! you might shout
It’s actually a mammoth,
roaming about.

Well is that any better
than a dino being free.
He’s still quite large
and could eat you for tea.

But does he eat meat?
I thought they ate plants?
I’ll be on my way,
I’m not taking the chance!

With Sue’s permission, I took up the #writephoto reigns and asked you all to join in once again on this creative challenge. I’ve had so many wonderful responses and enjoyed each and every one. I have tried to reblog a few since the post went out so hopefully, you will have seen some of them trickling through, but here is the list below (if I have missed anyone, please let me know). It makes for fantastic reading.


I hope you’ll join me for another #writephoto challenge published today at 12 o’clock GMT.

Thank you all again for taking part in #writephoto –

With special thanks to Sue who originally made the #writephoto challenge so meaningful for all of us.

Take Care
KL ❤

12 thoughts on “#Writephoto Round-Up – DINOSAUR

    1. Thank you so much for the kind comment. A bit of a different one for me this week but I gave it ago. I hope you enjoy this week’s prompt. KL ❤

    1. Thank you very much for the kind comment. A little rushed this week but I am glad to have entered something. You are most welcome, I really appreciate your support taking part. KL ❤

  1. I enjoyed joining in with this challenge for the first time and, also, reading all of the great entries. Looking forward to many more. Thanks KL, and everyone!

    1. Thank you Peter, they are fabulous entries, aren’t they? All so different. Thank you so much for taking part. I hope you enjoy this week’s challenge. KL ❤

    1. I’m so sorry, that should now be updated with the link. Thank you again for taking part, I really appreciate the support. KL ❤

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