To be a writer you have to LOVE to read!

To be a writer you have to love to read?s king

As I set out on this mission to finally put my notes and scribbles and stories into something more real, I have become more analytical in things I do, say, even achieve. I guess it must be the same process for any of the arts, to become a painter you must start to notice everything around you in a lot more detail. For example I’m sure if you paint a field then return to that field in a months’ time and you would begin to notice subtle differences that could completely change your painting, more flowers have bloomed, the river alongside the field is running higher, or some kids have created a rope swing on the only tree in the field. Each of these things could add to your painting or would you use this new view to create another?

As I try to put more words to the page I notice I am reading in a different manner. Although I still love to read, and will read anything and everything I can get my hands on, I am now analysing more details from the book rather than just staying immersed in the story. I have now found myself reading an alternative story immersing myself in things such as character/location/storyline creation and analysing details I hadn’t previously noticed (or indeed cared) about, the collection of tiny details enhancing the experience even more. Is there too much/not enough dialogue? Do the locations fit the story (and again are there too many described distracting the reader from the storyline)? How many characters do we meet, do they all serve a purpose?

Chinua Achebe

Each of these attributes I hope to bring to my own writing, hopefully expanding on my skills by learning from those that have already made the great achievement of getting published and of course through blogging too. There are so many wonderful sites and writers out there that you can’t help taking enjoyment out of reading their stories and getting that little understanding of the story of their life they have woven. Enjoyment can be found in the smallest of tales to the largest of adventures… it is a gift to treasure.

So yes, I do believe to be a writer you have to love to read.


Just Jot It January 17th – collection Just Jot It January – 2016

The “Collection” prompt is brought to you by Deborah at Container Chronicles.

To find the rules for Just Jot It January, click here and join in today. It’s never too late! And don’t forget to ping back your #Jusjojan post.

4 thoughts on “To be a writer you have to LOVE to read!

  1. A writer does need to be an observer of details, a collector of those details. I agree. Reading helps with this. This is an important topic to any of us who want to be writers. Good luck. Love the image of the field.

  2. Yes, without having read hundreds of books, I’d never have the internal imaging system required for writing, the one that turns words into pictures in your head.

  3. Erik Larson writes in his introduction to ‘Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania’ that, between writing books, he read them, devouring them “voraciously and promiscuously.” That is what I aspire to do, especially now on deciding to write, and thus become a writer.

  4. The Stephen King quote nailed it: If you want to be a writer, you need to read a lot and write a lot. Reading different authors’ styles exposes me to new styles and techniques, and new ways of composing and presenting my thoughts.

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