Spring #writephoto

“Not only the thirsty seek the water, the water as well seeks the thirsty.” – Rumi


As I came across the small stream of water, my aching body looked up to the sky with thanks. Falling to my hands and knees I scooped the water into my mouth with a ferocious desperation that surprised me. I scooped and drank and scooped and drank until my belly ached then fell to the side of the spring. It had seemed to rise out of nowhere knowing the exact moment that I would need it.

I had never expected to find myself along this mountain trail but when I had heard that Elena had been moved I just knew I had to follow her. I had faced many dangers along the pathway travelling on my own as I was but the near desperation of thirst had far out-weighed all my fears. Just when I felt weakest I had stumbled upon the spring. As I lay on my back looking up at the sky I gave thanks, for this spring was surely a sign the gods were on my side and championing my quest to find her.

My response to Sue’s wonderful photo prompt. I’m not sure where I am going with this one this week but thought I’d give it a try anyway :). Maybe an opening for an adventure tale?

If you want to give the prompt a go too, head over to Sue’s Page Thursday Photo Prompt – Spring #writephoto and join in the prompt.KL ❤

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